What comprises regulatory documentation All pharmaceutical products which receive marketing authorisation in the EU are to be accompanied by specific regulatory documentation. This includes summaries of product characteristics (SmPCs), patient information leaflets (PILs) and labels. SmPCs are official descriptions of drugs. They include information such as: pharmaceutical form, indications, method of administration, pharmacological properties, etc. […]
Continue readingEye drops – a medicinal product or a medical device?
Diagnosing an issue A while ago I translated a user information document on eye drops called X. Since I didn’t want the text to be too repetitive in terms of using the product’s proper name, I asked a project manager what determiner I should use: a product, a drug or perhaps something else? After checking […]
Continue readingHow to become a medical translator?
You probably know that there’re two schools of thought on this subject: you either need to have a medical background or you become a medical translator through being persistent, through training and accruing experience. I’m the second type, but I’ve always been interested in medicine, and at school I was good at biology and chemistry. […]
Continue reading7 sources of translation clients
Let your business flourish We all want our businesses to grow, and for this we continuously need to be expanding our client base. “Continuously” roughly means spending one day a week on marketing activities, so that with time you can work less for more. Sources of prospects can be different depending on your target which […]
Continue readingA report from the Translation and Localization Conference 2013 in Warsaw
Overview Participants The Translation and Localization Conference 2013, which took place on 23-24 March in Warsaw, Poland, attracted over 200 participants, majority of whom came from Poland, but also from Germany, France, Russia and the UK. Logistics The speakers were delivering their presentations in one of three conference rooms, of which in one there was […]
Continue readingHow to translate patient information leaflets
Slideshare presentation of the main points to consider. How to translate patient information leaflets from Maja Źróbecka, MITI
Continue reading“Bad Pharma” book review published in the ITI Bulletin
Credits: Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) Go to the ITI’s website.
Continue readingAdding value from a perspective of a freelance translator
In part 3 of “cover letter” writing series, I touched on differentiating by using storytelling. One other method of standing out from your competitors is by “adding value” to your clients. Why would you want to add value in the first place? Mainly because translators are seen as a homogenous group, where often providers are […]
Continue reading„Cover letter” writing for translators – story-telling (part 3)
Differentiating Once upon a time I wanted to do some reading on how to improve my marketing skills. I started with the web, but the only piece of advice I found was on “standing out” or “differentiating”. This wisdom didn’t tell me much, so I felt a bit disappointed and at that time abandoned the […]
Continue readingBad Pharma, czyli Ben Goldacre ostro o przemyśle farmaceutycznym
Po książkę „Bad Pharma” autorstwa Bena Goldacre’a, lekarza, badacza i naukowca, sięgnęłam za namową koleżanki. Zależało mi na rozwoju zawodowym, a ta pozycja wydała mi się ciekawa z punktu widzenia tłumacza tekstów medycznych. Po lekturze książki wiem, że dokonałam dobrego wyboru. „Bad Pharma” pozwala przejrzeć na oczy. Powoduje szok i uczucie niedowierzania. Na pewno raz […]
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